You Say Data Limited

About Us
Based on the South Island of Aotearoa New Zealand, You Say Data Limited is a local digital data analytics and software development company with an international reach. It was founded in early 2021 by Dr Thomas Koentges, who has lectured in Computer Science, Digital Humanities, and Data Science at the University of Leipzig and held honorary positions as Fellow then Associate for Historical Language Processing and Data Analysis at Harvard University’s Center for Hellenic Studies (2017–2023). Dr Koentges is also a certified Posit / RStudio Education partner (external link).
You Say Data is dedicated to offering a range of targeted digital solutions and believe that data science skills can help companies of all shapes and sizes. Whether you’re from a small business or an academic research unit, an international NGO or local government, if you think we can be of assistance then please get in touch.
Whaowhia te kete mātauranga.
Fill the basket of knowledge.
Data Analysis & R Courses
Analysing and visualising data, along with deriving insights and models, is becoming more important every day. The flood of data, even for small businesses and local governments, can be daunting. You Say Data would like to work with you to address this challenge by organising data analysis education for your business unit or research group.
We offer R, data analysis, and data visualisation courses for businesses and research groups. Whether you opt for our ready-to-go courses or prefer a tailor-made solution, all workshops are planned and executed by a certified RStudio education partner. We also offer one-on-one lessons for those who prefer a more personalised experience.
While we have everything in place to run courses entirely online, we also run face-to-face courses on your premises in New Zealand. Please reach out to us if you are interested.

By black and red together the work is done.
Data Analysis
With extensive experience in natural language processing and data analysis, we’re ready to generate insights. If you are a small business or local government, that’s great, because we believe that data can be leveraged to assist decision making at any scale. We can consult with you on your data needs, whether that be structuring what you have, sourcing additional data streams, or building models.
Software Development & Consultancy
Whether you want a dashboard to keep track of your data, visualisations for your next presentation, a RESTful API for your customers, or a tailor-made data analysis workbench, we are looking forward to the chance to collaborate and assist. If you are looking for a software developing company that actively works with you to create solutions that address your data science and data communication needs, get in touch.
Code Review for Researchers
For individual researchers and data analysts, we also offer a service reviewing code written in R and Go. Reach out if you need an extra pair of eyes to fix bugs, lint code, or comment it up, so your code becomes publication ready.
People tell us they enjoy our collaborative approach to research, development, and instruction. Check out what others are saying in some of our testimonials.